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A visit to a sick friend
Everybody can fall ill with any disease. Fortunately, only cold and flu are quite frequent in our city among infectious illnesses. They are rather easy for the modern medicine and various pills can help you a lot in overcoming this trouble. But, of course, being sick isn’t a pleasant way of spending your time. In such situation friend’s participation in this trouble can encourage you, give you moral support and even can make yourself feel better. That’s why you always should visit your sick friends. You must remember that tomorrow this illness may happen with you.

I always try to follow this rule. Fortunately, my friends don’t fall ill frequently. But I remember such case that happened about 12 months ago. One of my best school friends had fallen ill with hard form of flu. Soon I went to his place to see him. I took some things that, as I was expecting, were interesting for him. Among them I brought a videocassette with best game moments of National Basketball Association. He was very glad for this present and soon we both were enjoying the outstanding games of the strongest basketball league in the world. Then I told him all last school news and everything about the material we had passed when he was absent. Then we tried to entertain ourselves and started to solve crosswords in the newspapers, to watch TV, so we began to do all that everybody makes when he doesn’t know what to do. To my surprise, I lost the feeling of time and there was deep evening, when I understood, that it was time to go home. When I was leaving, my friend promised that he would be all right soon and he kept his word. In two days he came to school and started to study various subjects with new energy. Sometimes a little interval is useful for a person.

Modern medicine helps us a lot in an illness treatment. It also gives us many advises of how not to fall ill. Please follow these recommendations, and don’t be sick.

Категория: Другие | Добавил: MARINA (17.12.2006) | Автор: MARINA
Просмотров: 5594 | Комментарии: 15 | Рейтинг: 0.0 |

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Всего комментариев: 4
10.04.2009 Спам
4. Andr2 [Материал]
очень интересно спасибочки

22.03.2009 Спам
3. Администратор (Admin) [Материал]
Сначала попробый писать без ошибок. biggrin

21.03.2009 Спам
2. Иоанна [Материал]
Блин.. У меня столько идей в башке крутится, но не знаю, стоит ли мне пробывать открыть свой блог. Автор, как считаешь?

17.03.2009 Спам
1. Stasonus [Материал]
Добавил в рсс, посмотрим, чем еще порадуешь wacko

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